by debtcancel | Aug 13, 2018 | House Tips
Temperatures are rising, and many of us are reaching for the thermostats to stay cool. But there are also energy-efficient ways that will help you stay comfortable while controlling your costs. Check out these tips from Hydro One: 1. Open the windows on breezy days...
by debtcancel | Aug 7, 2018 | House Tips, Mortgages
Q: I know fixer-uppers provide excellent value, but I’m worried I’ll be in indefinite renovation mode for years if I pay for one home improvement project at a time. Should I stick to a turnkey property? A: You’re right, fixer-uppers offer excellent value. (And no, you...
by debtcancel | May 14, 2018 | Mortgages
Canadian real estate borrowers are paying their mortgages at a near record pace. Filings with the Canadian Bankers Association (CBA) for the first quarter, show mortgages in arrears have fallen to new lows. The largest markets of Ontario and BC are just off of record...
by debtcancel | May 9, 2018 | Credit Health, Mortgages
The latest set of federal mortgage rules has been blowing a cool wind over almost every Canadian real estate market. With the exception of Ottawa, Montreal and a few others, home prices have slowed down or dipped, sometimes upsetting the calculations of homeowners...
by debtcancel | Apr 18, 2018 | Mortgages
According to the 2016 Census, seniors now outnumber children for the first time in Canadian history. With an estimated 5.9 million Canadian seniors, the population is not only growing older but the pace of change is accelerating. This is all very positive news, but...