Tips to Improve Your Credit Score in 2024

Tips to Improve Your Credit Score in 2024

One important factor in home ownership is understanding things like your credit score. Some people don’t pay much attention to this metric until they begin the mortgage discussion! However, you will find that your credit score is one of the most important factors when...
Mortgage Renewal Benefits

Mortgage Renewal Benefits

After our whirlwind economic year, making your finances work for you is already top of mind for most Canadians as we head into 2024. Here are some ideas to make your finances work for YOU in the New Year: Purge Expenses One of the best goals for the New Year is...
Choosing Your Ideal Payment Frequency

Choosing Your Ideal Payment Frequency

Your payment schedule is the frequency that you make mortgage payments and ranges from monthly to bi-monthly, bi-weekly, accelerated bi-weekly or even weekly payments. Below is a quick overview of what each of these payment frequencies mean: Monthly Payments: A...
Post-Holiday Debt Consolidation

Post-Holiday Debt Consolidation

The holidays are a season of giving and often times, households can often find themselves carrying some extra debt as we enter the New Year. If you happen to be someone currently struggling with some post-holiday debt, that’s okay! Whether you’ve accumulated multiple...
Enjoy a Debt-Free Holiday

Enjoy a Debt-Free Holiday

The holidays are coming up! As much as these celebrations bring us joy and harmony, they can also bring us stress. This is particularly true when it comes to your finances! However, don’t lose hope that this will be another draining year on your pocketbook. In fact,...