by debtcancel | Jan 11, 2021 | Mortgages
There has never been a better time for your annual mortgage health check-up! By organizing a quick mortgage review each year, it may yield you some fruitful financial savings.Your home loan review this year will examine the most common potential monthly savings...
by debtcancel | Nov 17, 2020 | Mortgages
If you are new to the world of mortgages, you probably have a lot of questions – such as whether to choose a fixed-rate mortgage or variable -rate mortgage. Even experienced home owners can sometimes struggle with this, and may wonder if they made the right...
by debtcancel | Oct 13, 2020 | House Tips, Mortgages
If you are coming up to your mortgage renewal date, you may have already received a letter from your lender. Typically, these are sent out when there are 3 months remaining on your term. While nearly 60 percent of borrowers simply sign and send back their renewal, did...
by debtcancel | Aug 31, 2020 | House Tips, Mortgages
Buying a home is one of the largest investments you will ever make! In order to make your home hunting experience the best it can be, there are a few key mistakes to avoid and be aware of before you start your journey:Not Getting Pre-ApprovedOne of the most important...
by debtcancel | Aug 17, 2020 | Credit Health, Mortgages
So, you are looking to purchase a second property! Congratulations! This is a great opportunity for you to expand your financial portfolio and ensure stability for the future. However, before you launch into this purchase there are a few things you should know,...
by debtcancel | Jul 27, 2020 | Credit Health, Mortgages
Did you know the biggest difference between getting your mortgage from a bank vs. a mortgage broker is that the bank only has access to their products, while I, your mortgage broker, have access to hundreds of different lending institutions and mortgage products to...