by debtcancel | Jul 23, 2020 | House Tips, Mortgages
As a Canadian homebuyer or homeowner, your borrowing power is impacted by a few factors. Recent changes to the lending policies announced by CMHC, The Bank of Canada’s qualifying rate and your banks’ Prime Rate and mortgage stipulations are all things to consider when...
by debtcancel | Jun 14, 2020 | House Tips, Mortgages
Getting pre-approved can be a vital step to the home-buying process! But don’t confuse this with pre-qualification; you can get a pre-qualification through the My Mortgage Planner app to determine what you might qualify for. Pre-approval, on the other hand, means that...
by debtcancel | Jun 10, 2020 | Mortgages
There have been recent announcements in the mortgage space and we want to ensure that you are always “in the know”.CMHC announced changes to their mortgage rules, which go into effect on July 1st. These changes include limiting the Gross/Total Debt...
by debtcancel | Jun 8, 2020 | House Tips, Mortgages
As exciting as it is to start your journey towards home ownership (or even up- and down-sizing), there are a few things you should consider first.Most importantly, you need to determine your purchase range. Having the proper budget for your future home is the best way...
by debtcancel | May 11, 2020 | Credit Health, Mortgages
Canada has seen a surge of international migration over the last few years. With all these new faces in town wanting to plant roots in this great country, we wanted to touch base on some of the details surrounding mortgages and how new immigrants can qualify to be...
by debtcancel | Apr 27, 2020 | Credit Health, Mortgages
Whether you already have a mortgage or are looking to get your first mortgage amid COVID-19, there are some things you should know regarding fixed and variable rate mortgages during this time.If you currently have a mortgage, you may have heard on the news about...