Mortgage Refinancing for Beginners

Mortgage Refinancing for Beginners

If you are coming up to your mortgage renewal date, you may have already received a letter from your lender. Typically, these are sent out when there are 3 months remaining on your term. While nearly 60 percent of borrowers simply sign and send back their renewal, did...
Ten Money Saving Tips

Ten Money Saving Tips

When it comes to saving money, there are a lot of little things you can do that add up to make a big difference! Here are 10 of my favourite money-saving tips:1. Automatic savings are one of the most effective ways to save because you can’t spend what you...
Finances – Teaching Your Kids

Finances – Teaching Your Kids

Did you know? According to a 2019 RBC Family Finances Poll, 9 out of 10 parents (96%) are financially supporting their children (ages 18-35 years). On average, this costs parents $5,623 per year! This is an added cost that many parents cannot afford. In fact,...
House Hunting – Five Mistakes to Avoid

House Hunting – Five Mistakes to Avoid

Buying a home is one of the largest investments you will ever make! In order to make your home hunting experience the best it can be, there are a few key mistakes to avoid and be aware of before you start your journey:Not Getting Pre-ApprovedOne of the most important...
Selling your home? Know these important tips first.

Selling your home? Know these important tips first.

So, you are ready to sell your home! Whether you are up or down-sizing, selling your home can feel like a large undertaking – but don’t worry! I have put together some things to know before you sell to make the process as smooth as possible.Improve Your Curb...