by debtcancel | Nov 3, 2021 | Credit Health, Mortgages
Step 1 – Your Credit Score Whether you qualify for a mortgage through a bank, credit union or other financial institution, you should be aiming for a credit score of 680 for at least one borrower (or guarantor), especially if you are putting under 20% down. If...
by debtcancel | Oct 26, 2021 | Credit Health
Buying your first home is an incredible step in life, but it is not without its hurdles! One of which is demonstrating that you are creditworthy, which all comes down to your ability to manage credit. This is how lenders and credit agencies determine the interest rate...
by debtcancel | Sep 14, 2021 | Credit Health, Mortgages
When buying a home, there is nothing worse than having your mortgage broker or lawyer call and say “there is a problem”. If you have found your dream home and negotiated a fair price, and you have supplied all the documentation to your broker, you probably assume...
by debtcancel | Aug 18, 2021 | Credit Health, Mortgages
When conventional lenders (such as banks or credit unions) deny mortgage financing, it can be easy to feel discouraged. However, it is important to remember that there is always an alternative! If you’re seeking a mortgage, but your credit score is damaged in some way...
by debtcancel | Jul 15, 2021 | Credit Health, Mortgages
As a first-time buyer, I am here to give you some tips on homebuyer mistakes to be on the lookout for so you can avoid them for the best experience possible! Thinking You Don’t Need a Real Estate Agent You might be able to find a house on your own, but there are still...
by debtcancel | Jul 8, 2021 | Credit Health, Mortgages
As you may have heard, the Bank of Canada recently changed the stress test rules as of June 1, 2021. With these changes, now both insured and uninsured mortgage borrowers will be subject to a stricter stress test when qualifying for their mortgage. The new qualifying...