by debtcancel | Apr 23, 2019 | Uncategorized
Q: We recently sold a home, is there any tax obligations we need to know at this time of year? A: When you sell your own home (or principal residence) you usually don’t have to pay tax on any profit from the sale. But what you might not know is that even if you are...
by debtcancel | Apr 15, 2019 | Mortgages
Q: We are house hunting this spring and conventional wisdom tells us we should make our offer to purchase a home conditional upon certain terms – that the home pass a home inspection within five business days of the offer, for example. But what about in a competitive...
by debtcancel | Apr 9, 2019 | House Tips
If the sight of the mercury creeping upward fills you with spring fever, we’re with you. We, too, are restless for the toastier and longer days that are just around the corner. But before you can kick back on a balmy evening with a crisp glass of rosé or a cool...
by debtcancel | Apr 1, 2019 | Mortgages
The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. said Friday that meeting that target will take help from governments and the economy — hence the aspirational nature of the goal. “We believe that everyone in Canada deserves a home that they can afford and that meets their needs....
by debtcancel | Jan 30, 2019 | Mortgages
Question: I have been coasting along with my mortgage payments, and now I want to kick it into high gear. If I am looking to get a new mortgage or renew the one I have, what kind of research should I do to make sure I can pay off my mortgage faster? Shop around – and...