New to Canada?

New to Canada?

Canada has seen a surge of international migration over the last few years. With all these new faces in town wanting to plant roots in this great country, it’s a good time to review some of the details surrounding mortgages and how individuals new to Canada can...
Gardening To-Do List!

Gardening To-Do List!

There are a few things you can do this month to get started on your garden and ensure it is looking its best for the seasons ahead! Work the Soil: Start adding compost and working your soil so it is ready for planting as the weather warms up. Start Sowing: Plant hardy...
From the Desk of Antoniette Doria

From the Desk of Antoniette Doria

The cost of living is rising at an alarming rate. I have received calls from clients suffering the consequences, concerned about meeting their financial obligations, stressing about their debt to CRA, property tax arrears, credit card balances and the impact on their...
Purchase Plus Home Improvements

Purchase Plus Home Improvements

When it comes to shopping for your perfect home, it can be hard to find the exact one ready to go! In fact, most homes come with flaws of a sort whether it is old paint or flooring, outdated fixtures or perhaps more extensive repairs are needed. While some buyers have...